Quasar Technology CO., LTD. (TW) Apps

B平方教育學院 1.5.0
• THUMP Boxing 健身拳擊與踢拳擊由B平方教育學院(Brain &Body Academy)代理,在大亞洲地區(包括新加坡、香港、馬來西亞、台灣)擴大招募培訓。• 從2001年開始 THUMP Boxing是全球最早的健身拳擊與踢拳擊國際教育機構,並且在全球培訓超過25,000位教練。THUMPBoxing結合專項拳擊原則與功能性體適能,移除對戰元素,成為一個獨一無二的訓練系統。• B平方教育學院秉持著「以教育啟發產業,用運動改變生命」的理念,在大亞洲地區培訓更多健身和體適能產業專業人才。- - - -THUMP Boxing 六大特色:1.客戶所需運動空間極小,但可提供全身性運動效果2.裝備可攜帶性高,儲存空間小3.投入成本與其他器材相比較低,回收較快4.課程特殊性高,容易產生市場區隔5.指導者體力消耗低,教學質量與數量相對可提升6.全球大型健身機構學分認可,提升教學者形象
音樂MV騎飛輪 Cycling VJ 1.5
CyclingVJ透過獨特音樂分析技術,針對不同的音樂歌曲都能安排出適合的有氧飛輪課程。讓你運動時聽音樂看MV,還有免費的飛輪體驗課!今天就開始運動吧!特色功能:.適合家用族群騎乘XBike、健身車、飛輪車等健身器材使用.流行的音樂排行榜,搖身一變成為有氧課程.精心計算運動量,每首音樂都規劃出卡路里的燃燒目標飛輪課程內容為 EOXi® 國際級飛輪的授課體驗,EOXi飛輪是亞洲頂尖的運動訓練講師 RexChen所創立的品牌,強調完美的音樂與個人化體驗,將運動風格融入生活的風格中。
Knight Fitness 騎士健身 2.9.7
Knight Fitness's intimate secretary App, you can easily subscribeto member admission plans, purchase exclusive training courses, andlearn more about important information about Knight Fitness.
健身時代 GYMneration 2.9.9
健美洋行 2.9.9
健美洋行場館專屬APP。 服務據點:南一中體育館 地址:台南市東區民族路一段一號(二部校區/勝利路與東寧路交叉口)聯絡電話:06-209-7177
K GYM 健身房 2.9.4
K GYM2.0提供竹科人最好的休閒去處,上班的不開心或疲勞都可以在這裡得到釋放。除了世界上最好的器材,還有最強的團隊。這是一個可以看到努力的地方。
UFC GYM 台灣 2.9.9
Download UFC GYM Taiwan now and arrange your sports plan!
健身管 2.9.0
Comprehensive system to help you manage your gym
The launch of the fitness center is the first gym in Taichung thathas a split billing, monthly fee, subscription system and morediversified fee plans. Each guest can choose the most suitable planaccording to their needs, and there is no burden for healthyexercise.
300壯士俱樂部-跨時代健身中心 SUPERGYM
由台灣全國8連霸健美國手許家豪所創辦,使用國外最頂 級的器材,打造五星級的環境,國手級教練團隊,24小時 全天候為大家服務場館分別為:西門店,板橋店,三重店
DREAM Fitness Club 健身俱樂部 2.7.1
DREAM FitnessClub是結合生活品質與健身休閒,致力推展身心平衡的生活風格品牌。改善您的體態和拓展人際,創造品質與健康的生活態度。此應用程式無論是會員或非會員皆可使用。特點: - 非會員可預約會館導覽 - 會員可預約團體課程、個人教練課 -各種動動健身和健康的新知傳遞 - 掌握各種最新的品牌活動消息
MORE 身活訓練特區 2.9.0
MORE Physical Training Special Zone, exercise makes life better
Fitness is like building a forest, establish the concept offitness,consolidate exercise habits, nurture a strong physique,integratehealth into community life practice, and each tree willeventuallybecome a forest.
THE KEY 2.9.9
We are a fitness center based on people's values, health, servicesand social groups. We do our best to make people happy, healthy andbalanced.
健身管HQ 2.9.5
A comprehensive system to help you manage your gym
2h fitness 2.9.6
Aerobic|Yoga|Fitness|Parental|Elderly|Physical Fitness
比活力 Beverly Sports 2.9.9
The largest all-round fitness club in Luzhou, one card to enjoythetwo clubs in Xinyi and the city. Luzhou pioneered astandardswimming pool, a multi-functional gym, and a large-scalespamulti-functional clubhouse. The APP provides moreconvenientservices for members online.
JUST GO FIT! The whole building adopts brand-new flagshipfitnessequipment, heart rate monitoring system and smart fitnessAPP,which can easily grasp the data of your every exercise,createexclusive courses and menus for you, and let you easily haveawonderful and healthy life.
Sofit & U 2.9.9
Challenge yourself to your limits, increase your physical andmentalstrength, feel positive energy, and come to SoFit todiscoveryourself.
OSPACE 智慧AI健身館 3.2.0
OSPACE_Zhaoxiang Technology (Shares) Co., Ltd. was introducedfromSingapore. Through joint operation with Taiwan's sports andleisurerelated departments in an industry-university cooperationmodel, ithas deeply cultivated the expansion and application ofdomesticsmart AI gyms.
MWSC 3.2.1
MYWAY Fitness Strength&Conditioning professional musclestrengthtraining center
三健客健身俱樂部 2.10.1
Three Health Fitness Club - 3Musclers
REFINE FITNESS-健身房俱樂部 2.9.9
REFINE App 1.付費方式採訂閱制,按月扣款,不想使用時可從APP解除訂閱 2.定期定額年費制更划算
和怡商旅The We Hotel 2.9.9
Exclusive app for The We Hotel members. Provide inquiriesanddiscounts on various auxiliary facilities (gym, spa,restaurant,etc.).
悍草訓練 Hands Up Training 3.2.1
In addition to being a homonym of "body", the grass alsocontainsour expectations for the human body and training: flexiblebutrigid. Firegrass is not just a gym, but a training station!
Rock’s Gym洛克健身房 2.9.9
Simple, effective, stress-free and value-for-moneyexerciseenvironment, there are video guide videos on all kindsofequipment, so that you don't have to worry about not being abletooperate the gym, and there are sufficient flat parking lotsforcars and motorcycles.
芳鄰健身 2.9.9
A full range of systems to serve your sports events
戰神 Gym Mars 2.9.9
We take the customer's demands as our responsibility, providethemost sensible training and high-quality environment, and inviteyouto challenge yourself with persistence and control your ownbodywith absolute freedom! Facebook search now: Ares Fitness ClubNeiliStore!
Freeing Fitness 霏利健身俱樂部 3.2.0
A fitness space combining power and beauty. Spend tens ofmillionsof dollars to build a top-tier venue in Qianping.Introduced thefirst 3D magic hip machine in Asia, the Crosspoint AIpostureanalyzer to discover the best training plan, and high-endfitnessequipment.